Infographic: Fresapp

In my semester abroad in Guadalajara (Mexico) I’ve participated in a class called Entrepreneurship. In this course we’ve learned how to create and develop a business idea. Our project group had the idea to launch a pre-ordering food app that facilitates ordering food on campus. In the framework, my fellow student and I designed an infographic and a short video to communicate the group’s business idea. Here you can see our results.

Infographic: Plastic Surgery

In my second masters semester, I’ve participated in a class called Visual Communication. This class was about communicating ideas and information through visual media. Every student had it’s own project and needed to choose one topic that he wanted to design their information about. For my project I’ve chosen the topic of plastic surgery, because it still is a topic that a lot of people don’t know about and I’d like the idea of communicating it through the help of visual elements.